Current Families

General Information for Parents & Students

Resources and information for current families are included below. If you cannot quickly find the information you are looking for, please contact us using any of the information below:

Telephone: 518-370-0366
Contact Page

COVID Mitigation Strategies

On August 11, 2022, the CDC released an updated Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools to Support Safe In Person Learning. The New York State Department of Health and New York State Education Department jointly encourage all schools to utilize the CDC guidance as they plan for the school year. This guidance from the CDC represents the most up to date COVID-19 mitigation strategies for the K-12 setting while considering COVID-19 Community Levels. Schools may choose to layer prevention strategies based on CDC guidance if necessary when considering local community COVID-19 levels and the specific needs of their school community. They are encouraged to consult with their local health departments (LHDs) on COVID-19 mitigation strategies. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to communicate with school administrators if they have any questions about the COVID-19 mitigation strategies being utilized at the school. Below you will find a summary of the CDC Operational Guidance.

COVID Vaccination

Staying up to date on vaccinations is essential to prevent people from getting severely ill with COVID-19. Children ages 6 months and older are all eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Children over five years are eligible for a booster. Additional information may be found at


The CDC no longer recommends quarantine except in high-risk congregate settings, such nursing homes. The CDC does not generally consider schools to be high-risk congregate settings. The CDC recommends that all people with a known or suspected COVID-19 exposure regardless of vaccination status or history of prior COVID-19 infection follow current CDC exposure recommendations which include 1) wearing a well-fitting mask or respirator for a full 10-day period, 2) getting tested at least 5 days after close contact or sooner if symptoms develop.

Staying Home When Sick/Symptomatic

The CDC continues to recommend that people stay home when sick. Any student or staff member who has symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home.

Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after
symptoms begin. Those who are at risk for getting very sick with COVID-19 who test positive should consult with a healthcare provider right away for possible treatment, even if their symptoms are mild. If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 and does not have a regular health care provider, evaluation for treatment can be obtained by calling 1-888-TREAT-NY

People who are symptomatic and awaiting COVID-19 test results or have tested positive for COVID-19 should follow CDC’s Isolation Guidance.


People who have tested positive or are awaiting COVID-19 test results should remain home and follow the CDC’s Isolation Guidance. The isolation period may vary based COVID-19 symptoms.

If someone who tested positive has no symptoms, isolation may end after day 5. If someone has symptoms, isolation may end after day 5 if they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.

People should wear a mask through day 10 after ending isolation when they are feeling better (fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medication and symptoms improving).  

Antigen testing (e.g., Rapid Test or home test) is not required to end isolation; however, some schools may allow use of the “test-based strategy” to potentially shorten the length of time for post-isolation mask use. With two negative tests 48 hours apart, people may remove their mask sooner than day 10. If a person’s test result is positive, they may still be infectious and should continue wearing a mask and wait at least 48 hours before taking another test and continue taking antigen tests 48 hours apart until two negative results are received. This may mean masking and testing beyond day 10.

Note: After having ended isolation, if COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart isolation at day 0. Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset. Staff and student’s parents/guardians should be advised to talk to a healthcare provider about their symptoms or when to end isolation.


Antigen test – refers to a same day or home test. These are often self-administered tests.

PCR, NAAT – (Polymerase Chain Reaction or Nucleic Acid Amplification tests) these are tests that are sent to labs and results take days, these tests detect the presence of the virus. 

Screening testing is no longer required to be offered or provided by schools. However, testing provides an opportunity for people who test positive to connect to treatment and allows schools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Resources have been made available to schools to support testing. Schools may consider  requiring testing before certain activities, such as choir, or contact sports. Community testing also remains available and can be located at sites/index.html#ny.


Universal masking is not currently required in the school setting but is recommended in indoor public settings when a community is in a High COVID-19 Community level. Local health departments (LHDs) and school districts and private schools may consult and collaborate on masking decisions.

Wearing a well-fitting mask is recommended for those who were exposed and for isolation. Please see the Quarantine and Isolation sections above for additional detail. Additionally, people may choose to wear a mask because of increased risk for serious COVID outcomes or for another reason.

If a school is experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak masks can be added as a prevention strategy, regardless of the COVID-19 Community Level, to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 during an outbreak. Schools should confer with their local health department during an outbreak.

Arrival & Dismissal


The school day begins at 8:05 AM and ends at 2:55 PM., with supervised extensions from 7:15 AM to 8:05 AM and from 2:55 PM to 6:00 PM.

Bus Transportation

Per the policy of the student’s home school district:

  • Transportation arrangements for each school year are made with the child’s home school district, beginning with kindergarten.
  • Parents must submit a written request to their local district by April 1 of the preceding year. Forms are available online through your school district.
  • Districts arrange for independent school transportation separate from public school transportation.
  • Children may not ride a school bus from districts other than their own.
  • Kindergarten children must be met at the bus.

Any concerns should be discussed directly with the school district. Brown School, however, should be considered a partner in the safe transportation of your child.

Please discuss an emergency plan with your child in the event that he/she should arrive home in your absence.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Pick up | Family parks in school lot, enters school, and signs child out from café.
Curbside | Family waits in queue outside of café entrance and child is brought to your car.
Late pick-up | Family arrives after 3:10 and proceeds to office to pick child up from Extended Day Program.

Your child’s teacher and the main office must be advised of any persons, other than yourself, who may pick up your child. We do not release children to anyone without authorization and proper identification.

If your child is normally picked up, but remains at school after 2:55 PM, he or she will go to the Extended Day Program and a charge at the drop-in rate will be reflected on your monthly statement. The Main Office must be notified if your child’s usual dismissal procedure changes. We cannot accept a child’s word for changes in routine.

With the exception of preschool children, if you drop off your child in the morning, please enter through the cafeteria door located off the main parking lot between 7:45 and 8:05 a.m and proceed directly to the cafeteria, where Brown School staff will supervise the children until their teachers arrive at 8:05 for Morning Meeting. We request that children and their parents not go to classrooms, cubbies or lockers in the morning.

Preschool children arriving before 8:00 a.m. are to be taken to the Community Room. Students arriving before 7:45 a.m. and not enrolled in Plus will be billed the daily drop-in fee.

Students who enter the school building after 8:05 a.m. must enter through the back door (Marriott Street side of campus) and obtain a late pass in the Main Office. Children will then proceed to their classrooms.

School Closing, Delay or Early Closure

In the event of a snow emergency, the Head of School, or Assistant Head as necessary, determines if classes are to be canceled or delayed. This decision does not depend on the closure of any one or two school districts, and is based upon many factors.

Once a decision is made, the Head of School initiates closing procedures, informing radio and television stations in a timely fashion.

Vital information about the status of Brown School on any given day may be e-mailed, found on our website, or through the Rapid Notify system.

The Plus program remains open unless weather conditions make it hazardous for our staff to drive to campus. The status of Plus will be posted on the school website along with other news regarding the closing.

If Brown School is delayed, students should report to school by the indicated time (usually by 10:00 AM).
• Plus may remain open, but parents should monitor their e-mail/the news for information.
• If Plus is cancelled, parents are not permitted to drop their children off until 10:00 AM.

Please check with your home school district for altered bus schedules.
• Your district bus may run late or not run at all, but that does not necessarily influence if and when Brown School is open.
• If your school district is closed, their buses will not transport children to Brown.

Your school district may send their bus prior to our usual dismissal time.
• We will notify parents if this should occur.
• We will not put a child on an early bus without notifying a parent or guardian.
• If your child misses his or her early bus, you are responsible for picking up your child from school.

Information Dissemination and Communication

Brown School uses a comprehensive method of disseminating information. Frequently the same information is posted in multiple locations to ensure all have been notified.

  1. The Rapid Notify system alerts families to immediate changes in operating status via voice message over phone, via text and via email. For this reason, it is critical that families provide accurate and current contact information.
  2. Brown School regularly publishes an e-letter containing announcements, information, and a report on activities. It is posted on the website and emailed to families.
  3. Brown School also regularly publishes a podcast containing important information and updates on what is happening around the school. A link is sent via email, but you can subscribe to the podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher.
  4. Families are encouraged to visit the Brown School website,, for news, policies, procedures, guidelines and more.
  5. Brown School makes a concerted effort not to overwhelm your email in box, so please read the emails that are sent.
  6. Brown School has two Facebook pages – a public page and a private one. Brown School families will be granted access to the private page by clicking “Join Group”.
  7. Hard copy paper announcements, lunch menus and other notices are sent home every Friday in the Friday Folder which is to be emptied, read and returned to the school on Monday signed and dated.
  8. The athletic department uses TeamSnap to communicate the dates and locations of games. You will receive an email invitation to TeamSnap at the beginning of the season.
  9. PALS and other groups within Brown School frequently use Signup Genius.

Brown School tests the Rapid Notify system at the start of every year. If you don’t receive the test or you are not receiving regular emails, contact


Brown School’s Health Form for Physician and NYS School Examination Health Form must be submitted for the following students:

  • New Entrants
  • Students entering Nursery, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade
  • Upper school students participating in Brown School sports
  • Extended Day Programs

Overnight Field Trip Form:

Supply & Reading Lists
