Preschool 3-year-old students attend three, four, or five days a week with the option of either half or full-days. Parents select which days of the week their child will be attending when fewer than 5 days a week. The school can provide a recommendation for which days are advisable. The selection of days from week to week remains constant, as teachers plan activities carefully based on specific attendance.
Families should also note that the Preschool 3-year-old curriculum includes Special Area classes (Art, Spanish, Yoga, Music, Movement and Library) each week. Please note that three-day children will participate in the special area classes based on days attending and, thus, should expect that not all specials will be available to them.
Teachers work very hard to plan field trips and special class events on days when all children attend. If this is not possible, parents should know that all children are included for those events. Advance notice will be given to parents for special events, so arrangements can be made, if necessary, for those who attend three days per week.
Preschool 4-year-old students attend four or five full days a week. Parents select which days of the week their child will be attending when fewer than 5 days a week. The school can provide a recommendation for which days are advisable. The selection of days from week to week remains constant, as teachers plan activities carefully based on specific attendance.
In order to best serve our parents and students’ lifestyles, Brown School has created Special Programs to enhance each student’s day. Special Programs include Extended Day Programs and Clubs, Enrichment, and Plus. Brown School also has a Summer Program available to students, siblings and members of the community.
To meet the needs of working parents, we offer both morning and afternoon extended day programs for an additional fee.
Morning Program 7:00 – 8:00 AM
Short PM Program 2:55 – 4:15 PM
Full PM Program 2:55 – 6:00 PM
Plus was created to give working parents an option for a seamless school year. While it was originally created for our youngest learners in Preschool, it has expanded to all Brown School students. The program provides supervision from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM on some of the days when there is no school such as recesses, holidays, professional development days, and some summer vacation days. Brown School's Plus Program is not open on Federal holidays.
The popular after school enrichment program gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of interests outside of the regular school day for either a half-year or full-year. Students enrolled in an enrichment class meet once a week for the duration of the program. Brochures are sent home providing class choices, days and times. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to returning students in the musical instruction programs.
Classes, some of which are parent led, vary from year to year and have included Music (violin, guitar, piano, drums, brass), Lego League, Lego League Jr., and Math Olympiad.
Brown School offers students the opportunity to participate in after-school clubs throughout the year. Generally, each club meets once per week between 3:00 and 5:00 PM for 45 to 60 minutes and a club lasts for a period of about five weeks. Several club periods are offered throughout the year, and information is available from the Director of Special Programs before each session. Enrollment in all clubs is limited, and clubs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Recent offerings have included activities such as cooking, arts, macrame, book club, Dungeons and Dragons, art, chess, yoga, dance, STEM, and robotics.
Brown School offers a ten-week summer camp, which is open to both Brown School families, as well as the public, for children ages 3-10. The program is open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Mondays through Fridays, excluding July 4th. The program is flexible, meaning you can enroll for a day, a week, or for the entire summer! Two snacks are included. There are part-time and full-time options.
Daily activities run in block intervals, and include activities such as arts and crafts, sports, music, summer splash, Legos, dance, and fun Friday!
In addition to the daily program, specialty camps are also provided and may include such themes as robotics, coding and programming, cooking, painting, dance, chess, reading comprehension and math.
For a brochure and registration form describing our offerings, click here.