Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade

Building on skills practiced in third and fourth grade, fifth grade students enjoy an increasing sense of themselves as autonomous, independent, and fearless learners. They continue to hone their time management skills as they take on long-term assignments that require planning, making choices, using classroom time well, and adhering to the criteria of rubrics and checklists. With the help of their homework assignments, labeled folders and notebooks, and classroom resources, students are able to further develop their organizational skills. Through collaborative learning experiences, students improve their problem solving skills and learn to work productively in small groups.

Likewise, in fifth grade, students continue to develop the research skills they began acquiring in fourth grade as they are challenged across all subject areas to enrich their learning and the substance of their submitted work by using reference materials and resources, including technology.

Social-Emotional Learning

Fifth grade is an exciting time of transition from being an elementary student to a middle schooler. Thus, as in academics, students are guided to become increasingly independent and dependable human beings. Using the strategies learned through Second Step, students learn to come up with constructive solutions to peer conflict. Likewise, using MindUp as their guide, students are encouraged to use learned coping strategies to manage a range of feelings and behaviors. Respect and acceptance for oneself and others is emphasized, both in and out of the classroom. Fifth graders take pride in being positive role models for younger students.


Language Arts

Fifth-grade reading materials include a variety of fiction and non-fiction works, as well as poetry. Class read-alouds and group books are used to generate discussions as students begin to dissect texts by taking a closer look at literary elements, character development, and author’s craft. Students often work to read and analyze books in a variety of settings, including whole class, small groups, and independently.

In writing, students have the opportunity to practice skills as they write in different styles, including both narrative and expository work. During formal writing assignments, students utilize the writing process: brainstorming (graphic organizers), drafting, revising, and editing before eventually publishing and sharing. A focus is placed on the importance of independently revising and editing work to improve the clarity of their writing. Students also partake in collaborative conferencing with their peers and learn to give both positive feedback and constructive criticism. Grammar, vocabulary, and spelling are taught in both mini-lessons and in context during writing conferences. In addition, students have grade-level spelling lists and receive a new set of words within a spelling pattern to practice each week.

Social Studies

Fifth graders study US history, picking up from where they left off in fourth grade (around 1800) to present day. Throughout the year, they explore structures of government, westward expansion, The Civil War and Reconstruction, The Industrial Revolution, WWI, the Great Depression and WWII, and The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. Through this curriculum, students develop a meaningful appreciation of our country's legacy and how different cultures have contributed to the lives we live today.


Fifth grade uses the Eureka Math Curriculum focusing on place value concepts, operations with fractions and decimals, coordinate grids, and area and volume. Rigorous and independent reasoning, extended classroom time devoted to practice, reflection through extensive problem sets, and high expectations for mastery are all stressed as students grow as mathematicians.


As in all disciplines, fifth grade science asks students to hone their sense of themselves as increasingly independent, curious, open, and collaborative. To this end, the science curriculum will see them researching, investigating and experimenting as they take on a variety of hands-on activities and group projects. The major units that are covered are the scientific method, Earth science, ecosystems, and food and nutrition. The STEM program ties in components of the science units and will be integrated into classroom lessons.

Brown School Benefits


Small class sizes that allow for more focused and tailored instruction with the support of the IGNITE program


Hands-on, enjoyable learning experiences that foster collaboration, respect and empathy


Highly qualified teachers and assistants that focus on social-emotional development


Active learning environment that instills curiosity and engagement


Physical education program which focuses on character, teamwork and sportsmanship


Exposure to special academic areas including music, library, and visual and performing arts

Daily Schedule

8:05 - Morning Meeting & Work
8:15 - Morning Work
8:30 - ELA
9:15 - Social Studies
10:00 - Snack & Read Aloud
10:15 - Math
11:30 - Recess
12:00 - Lunch
12:30 - Art
1:15 - Science
2:00 - Gym
2:45 - Pack Up
2:55 - Dismissal

Class Supply List

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